Other Media Formats

Commonly Used Non-Image Formats on the Web:

  • JSON (.json): Format for storing and exchanging data, often used in web development.

  • XML (.xml): Markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is readable by both humans and machines.

  • TXT (.txt): Plain text files that contain no formatting.

  • CSV (.csv): Comma-separated values file used to store tabular data.

  • PDF (.pdf): Used to present documents independently of software, hardware, or operating systems.

  • Markdown (.md): Lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax, often used for documentation.

Commonly Used Video Formats on the Web:

  • MP4 (.mp4): Widely used video format that provides good quality and compression.

  • WebM (.webm): Open, royalty-free media file format designed for the web.

  • OGG (.ogv): Open format typically used as a video container.

  • AVI (.avi): Longstanding video format developed by Microsoft, known for high quality.

  • MOV (.mov): Format developed by Apple, commonly used in video editing.

Last updated